Maintenance Satisfaction Report
After each repair is logged and an order is sent to a contractor, a confirmation text is sent to the tenant with the contractor’s name, the completion date and a description of the work. The surveys then follow automatically when the contractor indicates the repair has been completed via an email to the Deeplake system.

Maintenance Satisfaction Summary: 2016-2020
Your feedback following a repair in your home is very important to us. It allows us to monitor the performance of our contractors and respond if our maintenance service does not meet your expectations.
After each repair is logged and an order is sent to a contractor, a confirmation text is sent to the tenant with the contractor’s name, the completion date and a description of the work. The surveys then follow automatically when the contractor indicates the repair has been completed via an email to the Deeplake system. Within the text survey there is a link to an on-line survey where more detailed feedback can be given.
Sending text surveys is the preferred method for collecting tenant satisfaction feedback. Texts are cost effective, staff are immediately alerted to negative responses meaning issues can be promptly resolved and tenants are reassured that dissatisfaction will be addressed. Replying to a text is also an easy and confidential option for tenants to alert staff and all the texts are recorded and are available to collate in our computer systems.
Contractor’s own surveys are also encouraged and phone surveys by New World staff are normally undertaken at the end of the quarter as a random sample and to reinforce communication between tenants and staff.
We do gather together all feedback from our surveys and report the findings to our Management Board every three months to ensure that our repairs service is performing at the level expected. We also publish our performance against set targets in New World’s annual report. The findings of the recent Star Survey was very encouraging in terms of our tenants’ perception of how we respond to repairs and the intention is to look at further ways to improve the maintenance service that we offer. Below is a summary of the responses to our surveys from the most recent period, going back to 2016.