Who we are
New World Housing Association works across five South London Boroughs primarily, however not exclusively, serving the needs of the Vietnamese and Chinese. We recognise that people need good housing which contributes to great communities. We are committed to involving tenants in everything we do and seek continuous improvement.
This information is to help you understand that as a housing provider and Landlord; we care about other issues that may cause an adverse effect on a person’s well being. These may include mental state, health, finance, family changes and the need for relocation.
It is hoped that if we cannot assist you we can at least put you in touch with someone who can. At the very least we would like you to call for free, non-judgmental advice!

Money Matters
If you need to borrow, be sensible! Different lenders will charge you different interest rates, so check out a few before you decide. Credit unions are local and well worth checking out. Be careful when you first move into a property as you may be visited by a loan shark!
Anti-Social Behaviour
If you are experiencing ASB as a resident or a neighbour, here is more information on how to reach New World. ASB-statement
By recycling you could help save the environment and save money. See what benefi ts your local council offers.
Benefits Advice
Are you getting what you are entitled to? How are you sure? Visit the Directgov website or contact your local council.
Legal Queries
Problems with the washing machine, cooker, and fridge freezer recently purchased? Need some advice for consumer purchases visit www.consumerdirect.gov.uk.
Personal Problems
Recently moved and need to relocate schools? Problems with the neighbours and at your wits end? Sibling rivalry? Your local authority office maybe able to help you or point you in the right direction. If you are unsure about how to contact them you can call us on 020 8675 0320 or visit your local authority website typing in the area which you live in. Something should come up!
Employment Issues
Need a job? Need help with childcare? Need to get more training for a better job? Visit www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk for more information.
Housing Options
Is your current house too big or too small? Do you need to move away from the borough, area or even city where you currently live? Do you want to move, but want the same landlord? Do you have family members living with you that need a place of their own? Your first point of contact should be your current housing provider or your local council.
We can offer free general advice on any of these matters.
Please call or email us, we’re here to help!
If you have a question about any aspect of the topics shown here – or even one that isn’t – don’t hesitate to contact us! A delay could make things worse.